Tuesday, May 22, 2012

saturday/sunday snapshots: nyc weekend edition

spending Saturday morning at the Dekalb Market
sampling the savory crepes at Pates Et Traditions
people watching on the subway
sharing fish tacos at the Brooklyn Flea

not pictured:
a rooftop party in Brooklyn
beer + sandwiches at Bierkraft
cuddling with my sister's new cat
falafel from Taim
making it to the bus stop in time to get two seats together

Monday, May 14, 2012

saturday/sunday snapshots

fresh flowers

 tasty sandwiches

gorgeous gold gift wrap

M83 at the 9:30 club (a phenomenal show)

the only family member that found time to relax

not pictured: copious amounts of red wine, post-concert U Street adventures, Mother's Day dinner at Indigo Landing, subjecting myself to Breaking Dawn: Part 1 (not recommended)

Friday, May 11, 2012

culinary inspiration: sprouted kitchen

Are you familiar with Sprouted Kitchen?

If you had asked me that question a few days ago, my answer would have been no. But thanks to this post by the Daily Muse, I'm completely obsessed. I've already found tons of recipes that I'm dying to try, and I honestly can't stop drooling over all of the gorgeous photos that accompany each post. (I'd really like to step up my game in that department.)

Here are a handful of recipes that I immediately bookmarked for myself:

So what's your favorite food blog? Let me know in the comments section. I'd love to check it out.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

saturday/sunday snapshots

afternoon treat: black raspberry gelato with chocolate chips

picking out jewelry for a wedding in June

re-reading one of my favorite books

not pictured: breakfast for dinner, marathoning through season five of Jersey Shore before it gets removed from Hulu Plus, an afternoon excursion to Old Town Alexandria, folding laundry

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

temporary vacation fix

There may not be a tropical getaway in my near future, but I can pretend, right?