Sunday, February 20, 2011

in case you were wondering

In case you were wondering, this is what I look like on an average day.

I'm really trying to work up the nerve to post my own outfit photos on this blog, in part because I'm hoping that it will motivate me to put a little more effort and thought into what I'm wearing when I leave the house each morning.  (An example to demonstrate the depth of the fashion rut that I've fallen into: I would estimate that within the past six months, I have probably spent only a handful of days NOT wearing a cardigan/tunic/scarf combo.  Sometimes I even wear the same cardigan for multiple days in a row.  It's pathetic.)

One of the reasons that I fell into this rut, I think, is that I work in an office where I can get away with being seriously casual.  A larger problem, though, is that I literally own dozens and dozens of scarves -- all joking aside, I think I actually own more scarves than pairs of underwear or socks -- and I've somehow convinced myself that if I just change my scarf everyday, I can distract people from noticing that I'm essentially wearing the same outfit every time they see me.  But look, I realize that this is undeniably weak logic, and I also realize that a scarf is not a styling tool that makes much sense as we move out of winter and temperatures inevitably start to rise.  I'd really prefer to break this habit before it hits 80 degrees and I'm still wearing a scarf and cardigan, pretending not to sweat.

Unfortunately, like a lot of people -- and this is the other reason why I'd like to start posting outfit photos -- I have trouble looking at photos of myself objectively and tend to avoid having my picture taken.  But I really want to just let go of my insecurities and stop fearing being in front of the lens, so I promise, there's a real outfit post coming soon.  In the meantime, in case you were wondering what I look like while I'm lusting over floral saddle shoes and avocado frozen yogurt, this is pretty much it.